Building upon the rich content of the FOUNDATIONAL course, the 300hr ELEVATE Your SHiNE, Yoga Teacher Education, supports the next step in the path to our full certification as a SHiNEOLOGIST. This would round out a certification of 500 RYT. We have continued options to 1000 hours. These YACEP options include continued professional development + education including: Aerial YTT, Alignment and ‘Annatomy’ YTT, Pre + Post Natal YTT, Athlete SHiNE YTT, SUP Yoga YTT, and more. Kindly view the suggested pathway in this pdf. Ann also teaches various advanced courses for professional development in the health and wellness field, and as well, both the yoga teacher or a yogi who would love to learn more. These courses are offered via module and intensively weekend and some evenings, and soon will be available through online education, here in our upcoming link to learning. All courses are continuing education YA accredited with Ann’s 500 YACEP accountability. Please view some of the courses that offered here.
** AN exciting new program by Digital Download (with complimentary Workbook and Screen Saver)